Tuesday, July 22, 2014

your honest self

Do you remember the catchy tune at the beginning of the television program, Mister Rogers Neighborhood?  No matter your opinion of Mister Rogers, the song at the introduction has such a good message.  Mister Rogers Neighborhood aired from 1968-2001. Every single episode started the same way: inviting us to be his neighbor.  He would sing:
"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
 I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.
Would you be mine, could you be mine?
Won't you please?
Won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor?".
For added nostalgia, please click below:
With his gentle charisma, he painted a beautiful picture for the young and young-at-heart watchers.  He invited all who watched to enter into a world of learning.  He also used the imagination to stimulate those same lessons.  He taught on most any subject you can think of.  From bad dreams at night, the workings of a mechanical pencil, losing a loved one, to brushing your teeth, Mr. R was a master teacher who used love, friendship, manners, honesty, and kindness.  He used simple songs and characters.  The lessons were simple, as well.  They were heartfelt.  I believe they made a positive impact on an entire generation of young people. 

It was among the most famous, longest-lasting, and fondly-remembered children's television shows of all time.  Do you know why??  It was because the message was for good.  The theme of the show was for the good of all people, for his "Neighborhood".  It didn't really matter where the show aired, if young ones were watching, they could be his neighbor! The program showed Mr. R in a natural setting, in his natural state.  He wasn't an actor.  He was just your neighbor. 

He said this profound, but simple statement, "One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self.  I also believe that kids can spot a phony a mile away."

I read that quote today and have been wholly pondering it....I'm wondering if the media allows for "honest self" in its portrayal of present programs, news, children's shows, and series.  Is there a program that has a theme that promotes the good of all people? Or do most present programs (news, etc.) cover, hide, dramatize, and perfect? They mostly paints a picture of exaggeration instead of honesty.  Why is that??  While that question holds enormous responsibility, and is even subject to personal opinion, I believe that it is because the media has taught us to want, need, and desire exaggeration.  Honest and truthful television is replaced with reality shows and sitcoms.  News can be dramatized to lure a potential watcher, only based on partial honesty.  If it's partially honest, it's a full lie.  A full phony.  Without all facts, we all have the potential to be swayed to believe in a whole-hearted, half truth.  Because technology can be like a vacuum, it can suck us into believing just about anything.

I say all of this to implore you to look for honest media.  I say all of this because I am living in Israel and I see what is happening. I say all of this because I wonder if the media is saying what I am seeing??  Now, I don't pretend to be some sort of a new reporter.  I don't pretend to be anyone,  I am my honest self.  I don't want to be a phony.  If I am a phony, then I am a liar.

But as you are watching about the attacks on Israel, what are you hearing? Are you hearing honesty?  Are you hearing partial honesty? What are you listening to?  I do not pose these questions to be accusatory or put anyone on the defensive.  I just want to prod your mind to inquire and search for the truth of this situation and all situations that are presented to you (no matter what they are).

Fellow Americans, we do not go about our daily activities thinking about suicide bombers.  We do not have an ever-present fear that our children will be abducted off the street and murdered by terrorists. Our homes are not equipped with bomb shelters.  We do not have to talk about what to do if there is an missile attack. We don't relate to hearing sirens that shatter the silence of day and night.  We've never had to go into a bomb shelter with family, friends, or strangers. We don't have terrorists who dress as US Military in order to enter the country to kill. But this is really happening in Israel. It is reality for million of Israeli's and those living in Israel.  Israel is under terrorist attack.

Hamas wishes for the eradication of all of Israel.
There is calamity on all fronts since Operation Protective Edge has begun. 
Lives have been lost on both sides. 
That is a tragedy and it breaks my heart.
You do not have to believe me if you don't want to.  All I can do is be my honest self and ask you to be yours.  I ask you to be wise in what you are reading, seeing, and hearing. Do you believe without question?
*Truth: Israeli's have faced fierce criticism for launching targeted strikes to eliminate Hamas’ missile sources after they’ve been used to kill Israeli citizens. The Israel Defense Forces have even gone to great lengths to try to warn civilian populations prior to launching attacks in order to give them time to evacuate.  All while Hamas said that, “all Israelis are now targets,” including women and children.

The horrible conflict is complex, multi-faceted, and so, so evil. 

Hamas has yet to demonstrate a commitment to the international rule of law.
As an American citizen, I pray that the United States is unwavering in their commitment to the safety and security of the Nation of Israel.  I pray that your stand will be based on truth and not terrorism.
Even though the United States of America (or whatever country you are from) is separated by thousands of miles of land and sea, I pray that the heart of its people will stay "neighbors" with Israel.  I pray and ask you to speak honestly about Israel.  If you are sure OR unsure of what to believe about Operation Protective Edge, PLEASE watch the link below. 

Last night, loud explosions reverberated through the Nation of Israel. There were no local sirens because the explosions were distant from where I am.  Even though they were distant to my location, their power and impact were unmistakable. They carried on for hours.
This morning during (attempted) school, a loud siren interrupted our studies.  We ran to the bomb shelter.  There was one explosion that was very close and then a second one that followed.  We waited ten minutes and then exited.  A new sound filled the air.  It was the sound of emergency vehicles.  A missile hit in a town adjacent to mine.  Adjacent. To. Mine.  Right in the next neighborhood.  No one was killed.  I thank God.  I trust God.
 Me and my great students in the bomb shelter this morning . In those boxes are gas masks.
Pictures from my morning walk.  The grapes are outside my apartment.

*Thanks to Mark Meadows, US Congressman (R-North Carolina) and serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee for his writing and contribution.

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