Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mom's Are So Much More

What is a Mom?
 Who is she and what does she do? 

There, of course, is the obvious answer: she is the woman who carried you in her womb and birthed you.  That simply defines it, doesn't it?  But isn't "a Mom" and being a Mom so much more.....We are surrounded by them everyday.  At the store, they have two small ones in the shopping cart and are strategically placing food items around them.  They are at the park; feeding a toddler in a stroller, placing a Band-Aid on their crying five-year-old, yelling at their pre-teen to stop jumping off of the top of the monkey bars, all while thinking about what will be for dinner, which loads of laundry are in the machines, and if they remembered to call the pediatrician about that weird rash. Mom's stay up late with their children who have procrastinated on their World History project and it's due the next day. Mom's send a card or a care package or make a call to their college freshman during finals week.  Mom's beam with pride when their little peanut is all grown up; starting a family of their own, getting that promotion, moving into their first apartment, or when that little peanut makes a decision that no one taught them to make, but is full of wisdom and maturity. They cry with us when life goes unexpectedly, they reprimand us with love, they discipline when it's needed (saying, "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you". And, it true.), and they put up with all of us during the age span of 12-19.  That last one, in itself, deserves more credit than I could even think to write about.

The idea of "Mom" is much further reaching than the person that birthed you.  Mom's are people of influence that make an impact, in tiny and large ways.  Throughout all of our lives there are Mom-type figures that help shape and mold us.  And at some point, women all become Mom's or Mom-types.  For short or long periods of time they can enter into our lives. They influence, speak kindly, invite out to lunch or over for dinner, listen to work drama, calm young Mother's fears and insecurities, and console when one miscarries or loses a child.  All rolled into one, Mom's or Mom-types are (but not limited to the following.  Lord knows I cannot name them all....) consultants, lawyers, receptionists, doctors, surgeons, personal assistant's, business owners, servers, nurses, travel agents and culinary miracle workers.

To all you Mom's and Mom-types out there who have impacted my life and other 's lives, I want to say thank you. There is a strength that happens to a woman as she is becoming a Mom or a Mom-type figure. That strength takes growing, stretching, and a beautifying process that produces patience and the ability to look at the world in a different way.  Mom's and Mom-types affect the world with that gift.

And especially to you: Mom's who never got to hold their children, who's children are no longer in your arms or have gone missing.  I remember you and I remember them.  You are brave.

To end, I want to honor my own Mom and Sister (who is newly a Mom!).  You wow me all the time and I am so proud of you.  I wish I told you more, but I love you dearly and I am thankful to be your daughter, sister, and friend.

Happy Mom's and Mom-types Day!

If you don't see your picture, it's not because I didn't choose to put it. It's probably just because I don't have one of you on my computer!  Just imagine your picture here, because that's what I am doing! All of you Mom-types are always in my thoughts!
Have never been more proud of my sister than in this moment!
My awesome Grandma, Aunt, Mom and cousins. Love to all.
My best Mom ever!

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