The Israel Defense Forces warns of intensified operation in Gaza.
On August 19th, the eleventh ceasefire was broken by Hamas firing a barrage of rockets into Israel. Hamas rejected the Egyptian truce proposal. Senior Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh said that his group would not budge from its demands. "We will not accept anything less than an end to Israel. Anyone....must understand that our people (Hamas) will not accept anything less than this".
Since that day, over 450 rockets have been launched into Israel.

That is one rocket every 10 minutes.
Yesterday (Friday the 22nd), a 4-year-old boy named Daniel was killed by a mortar. The fire and shrapnel from the mortar killed him. He was playing at his home; the place where he should feel the most safe and secure. His parents were able to save his two younger siblings but Daniel wasn't able to make it to the bomb shelter in time. He is the first Israeli child that has been killed. This is a great tragedy. Daniel represents just one of the many innocent lives that have been destroyed due to terrorism.

Pulling out my Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi moves to kill the most nasty mosquitos known to man. They are THE WORST, especially in the bomb shelter because we can't escape them. I'm sure it's part of their nasty plan. They lie and wait for us in there, little suckers. Literally.
Even as I am typing right now, a Code Red siren goes off outside and we run to the shelter....again I meet my enemy: the most nasty mosquitos known to man.
Stats: Sara = 0 killed, Mosquitos = 2 bites to Sara's leg. Thirsty blood suckers.
I wanted to talk to him and thank him. I hoped he would let me to have a picture with him as well, but I wasn't sure if it was allowed (especially since I could see into his rig and it was piled with rifles and other weapons).
His name was Netan'el (Nathaniel). I asked him what Netan'el means and he said "Given or Gift of God". He had just come from the war in Gaza. We talked about him and the war, but he took the time to ask me about myself and why I was here. He was kind, polite, and genuine. We shared some short stories and laughs. But, all the while I kept thanking him. He stood before me and I saw him as a "Gift of God". He represented all the men that stood in battle to defend my life and others lives. That is a true and selfless gift. What I really wanted to do was give him about million hugs and kisses but I was pretty sure that would be weird.....I told him that I couldn't really thank him enough and that words are not enough. He graciously accepted my smothering thankfulness and ended our conversation with this comment: "May God bless you, Sara.".

"We wanted to protect you but even the code red siren failed to save you. You would always run first and call your little brother (to the shelter) and then in a second it ended. We don’t want to say goodbye. You are the love of my life, the perfect child, every parent’s dream: Smart, sensitive, ahead of his age group and beautiful, so beautiful."
Words by Gila, Daniel's Mother.

A huge amount of rockets have been fired at central Israel since August 19th. Hamas claims the responsibility for the fire on central Israel. They had been trying to hit Ben Gurion International Airport. This is the largest airport in Israel. It is an airport that thousands fly in and out of each day. I live less than ten miles from that airport.
Damage done by Hamas rockets/mortars
Today (Saturday), a Senior Hamas leader admitted to kidnapping and murdering the three Israeli teens in June. They even state that is was a "highlight" of this war and a "heroic deed that was carried out (to kidnap and kill them)". Hamas has repeatedly praised the kidnappings, but today was the first day where a member claimed responsibility.

Yesterday (Friday), Hamas held a public execution in Gaza. In total, 18 civilians were executed. Allegedly, Hamas claimed that the civilians of Gaza were helping/collaborating with Israel. The victims heads were covered, their hands tied, and were shot in front of a crowd of witnesses, in a public square. Hundreds of men, women, and children saw as they were shot and as their blood flowed down the streets. The threat from Hamas was this: The ruling of the revolutionary justice was handed upon them, the same punishment will be imposed soon on others.
Update: as of right now, Saturday night, four more executions have happened.
Update: as of right now, Saturday night, four more executions have happened.
This week while in Jerusalem for a "surprise date" with a friend, a Code Red Siren went off. We were at the Tower of David Museum. It has a virtual light and music program at night that displays the history of Jerusalem. It's called The Night Spectacular: Sound and Light at the Citadel. Some parts are so realistic that they look like live events displayed on the Tower wall. The Night Spectacular moves from Creation to the eternal city of Jerusalem. To end the program, the words "PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM" are lit up on the wall of the Tower. It was very moving, given the present situation.
We walked through the streets of Jerusalem to get back to the vehicle we took. It was parked in a parking garage. It was around 11pm. It seemed like 11pm was the time that everyone else that lives in Israel was leaving the garage, too. We got in the car and proceeded to get in line to exit. We waited for over 45 minutes. During that time we only moved one car length. Israeli's are notorious for using their car horns for just about everything and anything, so while we were sitting there, it made for some great comedy relief to hear the songs of the car horns.
As we finally reached the exit of the parking garage, we could see jammed traffic outside. We were four cars back from exiting onto the street when a strange thing happened. People from the streets began to hastily file into the parking garage. One woman even ran to each car yelling something at all the windows. People were leaving their cars in the road and running in. Being inside the garage hindered our ability to hear the siren, but also protected us. Because we were so close to the exit/opening to the garage, we got out of the car and made our way to the corner with all the other people from the parking garage, street, and cars from the road.
Every rocket has the potential to hit the ground and take the lives of the innocent.
The Iron Dome intercepted the rockets. Again, Israel and I am protected and sheltered.
Sunset on the way to Jerusalem
Entrance in the Tower of David Museum
Looking out into Jerusalem from inside the Tower.

The Iron Dome
During school this week, the student's were/are working on an essay about current events in the Middle East. As B. was researching, she turns to me and says, "Did you know that 147 rockets have been fired since yesterday? It's really amazing that we haven't heard a siren." We talked about that for a few minutes but then she went back to her studies. Within moments of our conversation, a siren began. The four boys were in the pool and hopped out with record speed. We all made it down to the shelter and locked ourselves in. The door to the shelter is very heavy and takes effort to open, close, and lock. We waited quietly. B. and I were sitting and the four boys were dripping water everywhere. There were four explosions. It was obvious they were close. We waited and then exited. We always look for the interception smoke and the contrails from the rockets. This is what we saw above the house:

Even as I am typing right now, a Code Red siren goes off outside and we run to the shelter....again I meet my enemy: the most nasty mosquitos known to man.
Stats: Sara = 0 killed, Mosquitos = 2 bites to Sara's leg. Thirsty blood suckers.

I am blessed to live in this country during this time. I am thankful for what I am learning. I see the people, the Israeli's, and am learning as I watch how they go on with life and how they love the land that is theirs. While there is pain all around, uncertainty at every moment, the Israeli's are people whom I admire. They are strong and they support each other. They support those who are serving to protect. They support and grieve with those who have lost loved ones during this war. It is like one big extended family. Indeed, this is a very special place.
As a reminder, the State of Israel is very, very small. In comparison, it is roughly the size of the state of New Jersey. Just ponder about that for a moment....New Jersey is the 4th smallest state in the US. This land that they are protecting is precious and they know it. Why would they want to give up, give in, or stop defending what is rightfully their property?
Recently, billboards have been going up all over the country. They are thanking the soldiers for serving. They say, "Together, we say thank you to the soldiers".
The signs say: The City of David strengthens and supports the soldiers of the army and the citizens!
This is a rally in Jerusalem. In Israel, during times of war, the citizens come out to show their support. While I have missed the chance to snap a photo each time I've seen it, they even have little dancing parties on the side of the roads and in intersections! They play traditional-style songs and anyone can join in. A dance party that actually means something!
While driving up north on Thursday (the 21st) afternoon, we passes by some military vehicles. They were being hauled but it was obvious that they had just been used in the war. They were covered with dirt and sand. It hit a special chord in my heart to know where they had just come from. I have seen the hand of God protect Israel in many ways and one of them is through the Israel Defense Forces.
I got an opportunity I wasn't expecting, but was hoping would happen. During the same drive on Thursday, I pulled into a Gas Station/Rest Stop. A number of different types of military vehicles were there, as were soldiers. I have no idea the names of all of the different types of vehicles that were represented, but it was clear they had come from Gaza. As I pulled in to park, across from me was a young soldier resting against the type that looks like a Hummer but without any doors.I wanted to talk to him and thank him. I hoped he would let me to have a picture with him as well, but I wasn't sure if it was allowed (especially since I could see into his rig and it was piled with rifles and other weapons).
His name was Netan'el (Nathaniel). I asked him what Netan'el means and he said "Given or Gift of God". He had just come from the war in Gaza. We talked about him and the war, but he took the time to ask me about myself and why I was here. He was kind, polite, and genuine. We shared some short stories and laughs. But, all the while I kept thanking him. He stood before me and I saw him as a "Gift of God". He represented all the men that stood in battle to defend my life and others lives. That is a true and selfless gift. What I really wanted to do was give him about million hugs and kisses but I was pretty sure that would be weird.....I told him that I couldn't really thank him enough and that words are not enough. He graciously accepted my smothering thankfulness and ended our conversation with this comment: "May God bless you, Sara.".
The reason we were heading to northern Israel was to see Nimrod Fortress. It is up by the border of Syria and Lebanon. It is one of the oldest and largest fortresses that has survived since the Middle Ages. It is impressive. The pictures really speak for themselves:

My dear friend Olivia joined, too. She always makes the world a better and funnier place.
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