Wednesday, April 23, 2014

vocabulary vs. value

Four sets of brown eyes stared across the table at me. Their looks were looks of curiosity, judgment, excitement, question and uncertainty.  All the planning and prepping I had done culminated at that moment, the reason why I is in session.

Teaching at a home "classroom"  is very different than teaching in a traditional classroom. First off, usually all the students in a traditional classroom are about the same age. It is the same for recess, as well. Remember little-kid recess and big-kid recess? When a young one is in second grade, how big those fifth graders seem!  They almost seem like giants. Even into Jr. High/Middle School, the perspective stays the same: High Schoolers = Big Kids.

Secondly, a teacher usually had charge over one classroom, one grade level.  This makes it more easily streamlined (managing a classroom of wild, little humans is not always "easy") for planning. For example, if you teach third grade, you use the provided third grade curriculum. For Middle or High School, a teacher may have one or two subjects, like Health and P.E.. Or, they may just have one.  But no matter what the teaching situation, lesson-planning and then teaching those lessons takes effort, time, and heart!

So, this situation is different. Completely. I have those four sets of brown eyes staring at me wondering what is going to happen next.  And, honestly, so am I!  I am not their Mom, so I haven't been part of their schooling thus far (they've been homeschooled). But I do feel like I have a heart like a Mom, and that's a good place to start.  I came into this adventure knowing that I would have a steep learning curve. I would have to quickly discover where each one was at; academically, emotionally, and cognitively.  Only considering their physical age, one is at the elementary school level, two are at the middle school level and one is at the high school level. Also, not to be forgotten, there is a two-year-old little guy and a puppy named Zoey (who is basically a second two-year-old).  So, as I'm sure you're imagining, the house stays active and is full of surprises! 

It is a healthy and inspiring challenge to think about teaching four young people who are at four completely different levels. And, while I know how important the academic part is, can I let you in on a little secret??  That is not my main concern. Nope, it's actually way down the list.  Items on the top of my list are: respect (for others and self), honesty, strong character, integrity, kindness, excellence and, most importantly, that each one of them knows that they have purpose in life and that they are of value. Oh, oops, (sound the gong) AND ACADEMICS! 

Does it madder if a persen can spell korrectly? Yes.  Should they know how to write in cursive? Yes.  Should they know how to do Algebra? Yes.  In no way am I stating that academics isn't important. On the contrary, that is why I am in Israel! It just isn't my main focus.  My main focus is to build trust and an appropriate friendship with each one of them.  That way, when they have challenges in whatever life might bring, I am a safe and trustworthy place they can come to.  If you think back to a teacher you had that made an impact on your life, how did they do it? Did they impact you because they taught you compound words? Or was it because they took time for you and made you feel like you were of value? I can only imagine it was the latter....unless you really have a thing for compound words.
A surprise and unprovoked sampling of art that was drawn after a reading assignment! The pictures depict the discovery of Helen Keller's deaf and blindness. If you don't know of Helen Keller, her life is inspiring. A worthy read about an amazing and persistent individual!
Not to be forgotten....must prioritize time for running, spinning, and jumping with little K! Spinning not shown, but equal in its importance to running and jumping. 


  1. The beauty of those four pair of eyes at four different heights (metaphor alert - academic levels) is the necessity for each one to take some ownership of this incredible process where academics are concerned. With your priorities for them, the academics will follow and you will be able to just teach a little and answer questions.

  2. Sara, you are so fun! My hope, and prayer, is that you will convey the LOVE of learning to the children. Be who you are….all the rest will follow. xoxo
